Thursday, December 23, 2010

Depression Self Help: Finding People To Hang Out With

A lot of us isolate ourselves when we're depressed and that doesn't help. Maybe you don't want to be seen or maybe you just don't have any friends that like what you like. If you don't have anyone to do activities with you can post an ad on Craig's list in the "activities" category. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You can sit there and complain about not having any like-minded friends or you can make and effort to find some. Who knows, you might find your soulmate.

Hope you're feeling good.
p.s. email me if you want to do some skipping.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Depression Cures- Detoxifying Your Circle of Friends

I haven't done any studies on this or anything, but my instincts tell me that most people get depressed and stay depressed because of other people. I think most of us have people in our lives that treat us badly, which makes us feel worthless. We begin to think that if people we care about treat us like crap then people that we don't even know are going to treat us even worse...the seeds of low self esteem. Most of us know these people are bad for us and that we should get away from them, but it isn't that easy. They just keep returning. They do just the bare minimum to stay in the circle. I say "who needs um?" All they do is make us miserable.

I've been pissed off all day today because one of my "friends" made me wait for hours for them. He thinks his time is more important than mine. It ain't. People will say stuff like "oh you're too sensitive" as an excuse. Of course i'm sensitive, i'm depressed! If you treated me like a human being I wouldn't feel like a piece of shit all the time! They think you're desperate and maybe you are, but it doesn't mean you have to act like it. The more you allow people to disrespect you the more they think its okay.
I say get rid of the people that make you miserable and pay more attention to the ones that don't.
Hope you're doing well.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Depression Drugs: Optimizing Your Nutrition to Reduce Side Effects

Broccoli is your friend and as far vegetbales go it doesn't taste that bad.

Depression drugs often have side effects, like gaining weight or feeling like a "zombie". This often makes people discontinue drugs, not take them consistently, or not take them in the first place. However, there is a way to minimize these side effects and that is by maximizing your nutrition. This means eating more fruit, vegetables, lean meat, whole grains, etc, and less sugar, trans fats, processed foods, etc. If you're on depression drugs and you eat healthy (consisteny) you won't gain weight or feel like a zombie. I used to be against meds because they made me feel lethargic, but now they don't because I eat healthy.

By the will have to eat healthy for a good month or so before you notice that its helping. Then you'll have to keep eating healthy to keep feeling energized. Once you eat healthy for a while you get used to it and it becomes automatic.

Hope you're doing well

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Causes of Depression- Lack of Rewards

We need rewards to be happy and feel good about ourselves. When we work really hard for no reward we get depressed and discouraged. Maybe you're working really hard at a job and they won't promote you or give you a raise. Maybe you're working really hard on a business but there is no demand for what you're selling. Maybe you're working really hard on a relationship and the other person isn't reciprocating.
Are you doing something rewarding? Rewards can come from work, hobbies, exercise, etc. They can come in the form of money, being in tune with your values, helping others, improving yourself, etc. If you're spending a lot of your time and energy doing something that isn't rewarding enough, perhaps you want to try something new.
Hope you're dong well.
You can learn more about depression and how to heal yourself at